Skripsi Saia : The Comparative Analysis of Purchasing Intention Levels through Internet Media (Online Shopping) Based on Types of Consumers’ Lifestyle



Elfina xxxxxx, 110xxxxxx, The Comparative Analysis of Purchasing Intention Levels through Internet Media (Online Shopping) Based on Types of Consumers’ Lifestyle, Thesis, Faculty of Psychology of Airlangga University Surabaya, 2009.

xxi+109 pages, 7 appendices

This study aims to investigate the difference of consumers’ intention to do online shopping in relation to their lifestyle, as well as to know the lifestyle characteristic of potential consumers in an online sales system. The concept of lifestyle used in this research is based on the theory of Activities, Interest and Opinion (AIO inventory), while Fishbein and Ajzen Theory of Planned Behavior is employed to measure the purchasing intention level among consumers.

The participants in this research are internet users who have access to internet minimum 3 times or 10 hours per week. With accidental sampling methods, 100 people are collected through a lifestyle questionnaire (consists of 48 items) and purchasing intention questionnaire (consists 0f 36 items). Data are then analysis using a set of statistical procedures, including factor analysis, cluster analysis, ANOVA test and cross tabulation (Crosstabs).

The result categories4 types of lifestyle, namely, ordinary minded, fashionable minded, social minded, and working minded. The ANOVA test result F calculated of 2.954 and F table of 2.699 for 5% of significant level (F calculated > F table). This score indicate that there are differences in consumers’ intention in doing online shopping in relation to their lifestyle. In more specific, people under the cluster of fashionable minded are likely to do more online shopping than other clusters.

Keywords : Consumer Lifestyle, Purchasing Intention, AIO Inventory, Theory of Planned Behavior, Online Shopping.

Bibliography, 37 (1989-2009)


Sedikit ringkasan mengenai hasil penelitian saia untuk memenuhi syarat kelulusan...dan akhirnya...Alhamdullillah lulus juga...

Kalo ada yang berminat untuk bertanya, diskusi, bertukar pikiran mengenai topik penelitian saia *karena penelitian saia juga masih banayk kekurangan...bisa hubungi via email di

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Andri Journal mengatakan...

Skripsi yang sangat bagus!!Jelas sekali kamu menguasai persoalan, sampe2 pak seger ngasih nilai A. Selamat! ^^


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