Sinopsis Twilight
Synopsis Of Film TWILIGHT
Twilight is a the romantic story modern between a girl and vampire Bella Swan (Christian Stewart) was different from the other girl, had not socialised with his school friend in the Phoenix SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL. When his mother married again and sent Bella to live with his Father in the small Forks city, Washington, he did not hope many changes in himself. When he met Edward Cullen (Robert Pattison) that was mysterious and handsome, Edward not the normally man, Edward is a vampire but he did not have sharp tooth and he as well as his family chose to not suck human blood.
The two of them became a pair of sweetheart. For Edward – Bella was the girl that he was waiting for 90 years – as his sweetheart. However increasingly close to their relations – increasingly heavy Edward’s efforts to control himself. What will be done by Edward and Bella when a group of vampire just was other - James (Cam Gigandet), Laurent (Edi Gathegi) and Victoria (Rachelle Lafevre) – be present and threatened to live they?
Production :Summit Entertainment
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Film :Action/drama
Producer :Mark Morgan, Greg Mooradian, Wyck Gofrey
Duration :120 Min.
kapan ya nonton film nya???? "wajib nonton"....nunggu selesai ujian masih ada bioskop yang masih muterin neh film nggak ya???? hiks....
Jumat, Januari 09, 2009
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5 komentar:
Wah..Wajib nonton ya?Lha ntar kalo pas aku ke SBY trus filmnya gak diputerin ada alternatif lain gak? :D
waahhh...WAJIB dunk....pokoknya harus nonton....dah menahan nafsu 2 minggu untuk nonton tuh film gara-gara ujian akhir semester...hiks....
sama mbak , aku juga penasaran sama nih pelm..
eh, sinopsisnya yang bahasa jawa ada gak?
aku tunggu postnya ya..
~salam sehat~
Hoho...akhirnya keturutan jg nonton pilem ini...skrg nunggu kelanjutanx Twilight...Judul pilemnya New Moon kira2 kpn ya diputer diSBY,kykx msh lama dweh..
Tolong dibuatin resensi New Moon dulu ya. >.<
Di Royal kemarin lumayan nyaman (mungkin karena posisi tempat duduk yang pas). Tapi sound-nya masih kalah jauh ama XX1. Mungkin juga karena action-nya kurang, jadi hentakan suaranya gak begitu kerasa..gak kayak film James Bond yang dulu itu. Anyway, soundtrack-nya yang dari Muse bener2 ciamik lho... ;D
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